Tuesday, November 13, 2012

oh, the sadness

she's moving.  brooklyn, that is.  what does that mean, you ask?  only that my sweet 1st grader's first love is leaving and his heart is broken into a million little pieces.  he has liked brooklyn since kindergarten.  his first crush.  he has even fought for her on the playground.  they are glued to the hip.   the story i've gotten is that over thanksgiving break, she and her family will be moving to padre island.  to paradise.  i asked if he was sure that she didn't just mean a vacation, because really?  who just up and moves from rowlett, tx to padre?  anywho, he seemed 100% certain that he only had 4 more days to see her before he would never see her again.  he said he intends to cry and cry the last day he sees her.  we'll see.  a part of me wonders if brooklyn just THINKS she is moving there.    awww....paradise.....how nice.

1 comment:

  1. poor lil guy. :( i hope it's just vacation for his sake, but i hope it's a move for yours. :P


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